Hyperhidrosis Surgery

How To Stop Sweating Underarms Breaking Free From Excessive Sweating

Sweating underarms is a common issue faced by many. While it’s natural and healthy to sweat, too much of it can lead to discomfort and embarrassment. However, effectively managing underarm sweat can make world’s difference in your daily life.

This article will provide actionable advice and practical insights on how to stop sweating underarms and guide you towards permanent excessive sweating treatment options.

Understanding Underarm Sweating

To effectively manage underarm sweating, it’s essential to understand what causes it. Sweating is the body’s natural cooling mechanism. When your body temperature rises, your sweat glands get activated to release sweat, which, in turn, helps you cool down.

Practical Tips on How to Stop Sweating Underarms

1. Maintain Good Hygiene

Showering daily can help to remove sweat and reduce the growth of bacteria that can cause body odour. By keeping the underarm area clean and dry, you may reduce the amount of sweat produced.

2. Use Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants are the first line of defense against underarm sweat. They work by blocking sweat ducts temporarily, reducing the amount of sweat that surfaces on your skin. Apply antiperspirant at night for best results as your body is cooler and more receptive.

3. Wear Breathable Clothing

Choose clothes that are made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk. Avoid synthetic materials as they may trap sweat and heat, leading to increased sweating.

4. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Certain foods and drinks may trigger excessive sweating. Caffeine, spicy food, and alcohol can all prompt your body to sweat more. Be aware of what you consume, maintain a balanced diet to keep your body healthy and less prone to excessive sweating.

When to Consider Permanent Excessive Sweating Treatment

For some individuals, regular hygiene practices and over-the-counter products may not be enough to control underarm sweat. This is when it might be necessary to consider other options. Permanent excessive sweating treatment methods include medical treatments like Botox injections, microwave therapy, prescription antiperspirants, and surgical options.

Botox injections temporarily block the nerves that prompt your sweat glands. However, the effectiveness only lasts for several months and may require recurring trips to the doctor. Microwave therapy, on the other hand, is a fairly new treatment that uses heat to destroy the sweat glands permanently. Prescription antiperspirants are another option prescribed by your healthcare provider. They contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate, a potent ingredient that can block the sweat glands, effectively reducing underarm sweat.

And finally, there’s surgery. This is typically the last resort for cases of severe hyperhidrosis. There are several types of surgeries available, but all aim to limit the activity of sweat glands in targeted areas.


Excessive underarm sweat can be frustrating and embarrassing, but understanding what triggers your sweat and exploring various solutions can help you manage the situation. From daily hygiene adaptations to over-the-counter products and even permanent excessive sweating treatment options, you have choices. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best steps for you.