
Tips For Training Kittens}

Submitted by: Anita Hampton

Deciding to get a pet and keeping it indoors will take a lot of responsibility. Chores such as feeding the animal or giving it a bath are just one of the few things the owner will have to do but there is more. Since these pets are not yet trained how to behave, the person will have to devote a lot of time and effort to make this happen.

The best time to train animals especially if one decides to keep it indoors is when it is still young and having kittens in the house is no exception. The good news about raising a cat is that it is easier to teach and maintain, unlike dogs that may require some assistance in a school.

The first thing that a person needs to know before getting a cat is learning about its behaviors. In general, these animals are very affectionate and are well behaved. When one notices certain changes in the mood of the cat, there is usually something wrong that can be corrected once the cause has been determined.

Here are some tips that can help a person train a kitten at home;

1. Kittens need exercise. If this is not done in the form of toys for the animal to play with, it will become restless and could do damage to your home.

2. Since kittens are not yet toilet trained, it is best to start by teaching it what to do with a litter box. The litter box should be big enough for the pet to enter and move around in. By adding newspaper and perhaps carpet, the animal will soon learn where to release waste when it is time.

3. The claws of kittens are not that sharp yet compared to older cats. So that these creatures will not damage the furniture in the future, it is best to get a scratching pad and teaching it that this is the proper place to scratch.

Praising the kitten for doing a good job and feeding it as a reward will help in teaching the kitten how to behave inside the house. The owner should not shout or hit the kitten since this will make the animal fear the person and no amount of effort in teaching it will work after that experience.

Kittens are lovable animals and by spending some time daily with them and with a little patience, this will all pay off as one can finally see that the animal has been finally house trained.

About the Author: Anita Hampton


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3 Useful Tips On Dog Training You Can Use Now

Submitted by: Joey Maldonado

Dog training can be fun and exciting if done in the right way, but that doesn t mean there s not going to be some hard times along the way. A lot of people who want to train their dog usually have a problem of where and how to start the process. The arrival of the new puppy brings excitement and happiness to the whole household. Very soon, he will become the center of attraction for the whole family. It also means that there are lots of works for you to do in terms of bringing out the best in the dog s behavior. There are several ways to train a dog, but a few simple tips and steps if followed properly will go a long way in bringing you success.

Potty training: dogs are creatures that easily form habits. All animals including your dog don t know where or when it s right or wrong to go to the toilet. Naturally, when they fill like doing it, they do it. It is your responsibility to communicate with them and help them develop the habit of doing it at the place that is more convenient. Closely monitoring the dog will help in knowing their toilet habits and prevent any kinds of mistakes, you also needed to open your back doors often. Know that puppies are young animals, they can only hold on an hour for every one moth of their life.


Crate training: this is one of the most important things to consider when trying to manage and train a puppy in the household, and assure well-being and safety. It also helps in preventing a possible problem behavior before it becomes obvious. Crate training is also the best way to train your puppy on how to go to the toilet, chew on the toys given to them and not other dangerous items, and to establish good habits. First you need to select the right crate for your puppy. You introduce the crate to them by dropping item in and around it. When your puppy is outside, put a chew toy inside and close the door. It should naturally beg you to open it. Open it and let him in. Then praise his effort.

Behavior training: behavior training is closely related to crate training. To achieve behavior training you need to start by placing the crate at an area where you and your dog usually met to communicate, and make sure you leave the caret door open. Whenever you notice that your puppy shows interest in the crate throw him a taste threat, this will make the dog have more interest in the crate. Then after a while don t give a threat for just a look, but an actual walking into the crate. When the puppy start popping in and out of the crate don t praise him again until he actually enters and sits own in the crate. The final step is to make the dog enter the crate and sit down while you close the door. Attach a cue word to the process like bedtime and repeat severally, until the dog maters it. Repetitions and reinforcement is the key in installing behavior in dog training.

About the Author: Next, if you want your dog to be disciplined and respect any command you d like, visit the most recommended

dog training

online portals of information right now.


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