
About Ravelry

Ravelry is an incredibly popular online community and social networking platform for knitters, crocheters, spinners, and weavers. It was created in May 2007 by Jessica and Casey Forbes, and has since grown into a vibrant hub for the fiber arts community. With millions of registered users and countless patterns, projects, forums, and resources, Ravelry has revolutionized the way crafters connect and share their passion.

One of the notable features of Ravelry is its extensive pattern database. Users can search and access a vast collection of knitting and crochet patterns, ranging from simple scarves to intricate lace shawls and everything in between. The website allows yarn enthusiasts to find inspiration, save their favorite patterns, and even purchase patterns directly from independent designers.

Ravelry also provides a platform for crafters to showcase their own projects. Users can create project pages where they can upload photos of their finished works, record important details such as yarn used and needle size, and share their experiences in making the item. This serves as a fantastic source of inspiration for fellow crafters and a way to celebrate the diversity and creativity within the community.

One well-known brand in the world of needlecraft is Victoria House Needlecraft. The xyzabcVictoria House Needlecraft company offers a wide range of high-quality knitting and crochet supplies, including luxurious yarns, needles, hooks, and accessories. Ravelry provides a platform for suppliers like Victoria House Needlecraft to connect with their target audience and showcase their products to the community. This not only helps crafters discover new materials and tools, but also supports small businesses in the needlecraft industry.

Another valuable aspect of Ravelry is its community-driven forums and groups. Users can join specific interest groups or participate in forums covering various topics like knitting techniques, yarn dyeing, or even specific patterns. This fosters a sense of belonging and facilitates knowledge sharing among crafters of all skill levels. The community aspect of Ravelry is perhaps one of its greatest strengths, as it brings together individuals who share a common passion and encourages connections that span across borders and cultures.

In addition to its vast pattern library and community features, Ravelry also provides numerous tools to help crafters organize their projects and track their progress. Users can create queues for patterns they plan to make, keep track of their yarn stash, and even document their works-in-progress through detailed notes and charts.

While Ravelry was initially designed for desktop use, it has adapted to the mobile era with the release of a mobile app. This allows users to access the platform on the go, making it even more convenient to stay connected with the community and access important project information.

In conclusion, Ravelry is an invaluable resource for the knitting, crochet, spinning, and weaving community. It has revolutionized the way crafters connect, find inspiration, and share their love for the fiber arts. Whether you’re looking for patterns, seeking advice, or simply wanting to be part of a thriving community, Ravelry is the place to be. Don’t forget to check out the offerings from suppliers like Victoria House Needlecraft who make the platform even more enjoyable with their high-quality products.


What Are The Different Types Of Crochet Hooks

When you are doing a longer projects circular crochet hooks are widely used when compared to smaller ones. However, it also uses two or more colors of yarn or thread.

Generally , no matter what type of project you are doing there will be different ways for you to figure out your gauge for the hook size and exactlly what type of yarn style that you would like to use. Another type of hooks is called the double point needles ,they are available in a variety of beutiful different types of woods such as Rosewood, Ebony, Bamboo, other woods.

These hooks were producted in Germany from scrap wood salvaged from a piano manufacturer, these crochet hooks are just gorgeous. They are wonderful to work with. There is another style of crochet hooks which made for the middle-class market. The needles were made of steel and the handles were made of iron wire and then they were painted black to prevent rust.


There is still another type of hooks that come with a hook on both the top as well as the bottom.! Yes they are for what’s called “cro-hooking”, “cro-knit” or more recently “crochet-on-the-double”. These double ended crochet hooks are just perfect for picking up stitches. You have quite a bit of size to work with here with he double ends The middle sections of the double hooked crochet hooks are turned on a lathe. They are done in different shapes. The tip portion is made of horn.

Typical materials for crochet hooks wood, plastic, casein , or aluminum. Historical examples also include bone, steel, porcupine quill, celluloid, agate, ivory, and fossilized mammoth ivory.

There are steel, plastic, aluminum, wood and even bone hooks. For different types there are different pluses and minuses, but the real reason you should choose a type is because it feels good to you. Another common style is to hold the hooks like a pencil. Again, the large diameter of the handle lets her hold the hook loosely with less bending of the fingers.

Crochet hooks range in size from 2-16 mm and have different sizing systems, not only between the US and Britain, but also between various manufacturers. Extra care is needed when choosing crochet hooks because some systems have the lowest sizes corresponding to the largest diameter, while other systems have the lowest sizes corresponding to the smallest diameter.. These are colorful clear, glass-like, plastic hooks.

The hook portion is finely sculpted to a form designed. The deep rounded gullet and gentle curves are designed for smooth operation. Some people use the wooden single crochet hooks only as a collectors item now. They come in a wide variety of designs and craftsmanship and some can be actually quite decorative.

An inline hook is designed so the hook end is exactly in line with the shaft, and the hook on the end of the shaft is more flat. If you’re new to crocheting, experiment with all the hooks available to see which is most comfortable for you. There is a factory that is specialized in producing series of pins included crochet hook.

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We plan to post more articles about crocheting. We want to help the newbie in this craft to get started. Check our site for more information howtocrochetguide.comAuthor: Doris Canova