International Tax Specialists

Critical Questions To Ask Of A Window Company


Replacing the windows in your home is something that is not an everyday topic around the dinner table but when the time comes to choose a window company in Honolulu HI to supply and install replacement windows there are a number of things you will want to brush up on. You will want to know that the company you finally choose is one which will have provided you with excellent advice during the assessment stage and has a verifiable track record for excellence.

There are a number of salient questions that should be asked as you go through the process of selecting the Window Company in Honolulu HI that will eventually be given your business. Any top-tier window company will gladly answer all your questions and just as it makes a lot of senses to get more than one quotation; it makes equal sense to ask several window companies the same questions. It is important that you feel confident that you have chosen the best windows available and the best window company to supply and install them.

Here are a few critical questions that you should ask the candidates for your business:

* Get the full name and address of the company. If all you get is a PO Box number then insist on their street address. If at all possible try to eventually choose a window company which is reasonably close to your home, you can usually expect better service and response in the future.

* Is the company fully insured? Do not consider working with a window company that does not carry liability insurance and workers comp, these insurances will protect you in the event there is an unfortunate accident while the company personnel are on site.

* Make sure the company is licensed by the state or city whichever is applicable. Remember, having a license to operate means that the contractor has had to pass certain criteria. A business license is not the same; it is a tax requirement and bears no relevance to the skills of the contractor.

* Find out how long the company has been in business. The longer the better is the key, any company that say less than five years old might still be learning the business. Of course, every business has to start somewhere; this is when it’s a good idea to check references and the BBB to see if there have been any problems in the past that have not been satisfactorily solved.

Along with the warranty on workmanship and the company’s record in solving problems all you have to do is ask the companies that you feel comfortable with for a written proposal that fully details what you and the window company have agreed upon in full.

CCC; Custom Contracts, Inc. are a window company in Honolulu HI that have been servicing the needs of the community for over 25 years. As specialists in window replacement they have been selected to install over 200,000 windows and counting.


Multiple planes perform aerial spraying over greater Dallas, Texas in effort to combat mosquitoes

Sunday, August 19, 2012

52,000 acres of land in Dallas county were sprayed aerially Thursday evening, in an effort to kill mosquitoes and reduce the spread of the sometimes-deadly West Nile Virus. More planes were slated to treat again on Friday. The state as a whole has seen more than 400 confirmed instances of the illness already this year.

Both the city’s mayor, David Rawlings, and the county’s Judge have executed a state of emergency. Each has rendered his support for the aerial action. The mayor told media, “I cannot have any more deaths on my conscience because we did not take action”. However, Rawlings is reserving his statement about the treatments’ effectiveness until a later time, to allow opportunity to assess the outcomes of the treatments. Some individuals have voiced fears over whether or not the chemicals might be harmful. One Dallas man told reporters he made no efforts to leave his home on Friday, and turned off his home’s air conditioner, in an attempt to safeguard possible chemical threat to his family. Dr. Roger Nasci of the Centers for Disease Control told reporters, “It’s something new there that has not been used in quite a number of years.” He further stated, “Anything novel comes with that unknown factor.”

Due to the scope of the problem, the Texas Health Department is intervening to supervise the action and to offset costs. The state’s Health Commissioner told media, “This year is totally different from the experience Texas has had in the past”. “If it’s nuisance mosquitoes, we ask the city or county to pay part of that. But in the midst of this disease outbreak, it’s easier for us to go ahead and do it”. Several Beechcraft King Air twin-engine planes sprayed on Thursday evening. The chemical used is synthetic pyrethroid; a specialist participating in the action told media the planes are normally loaded with chemicals just before take off, to minimize light exposure. One application costs approximately US$1 million.

Pilots were informed of certain exclusion zones, such as one containing the Preston Hollow home of former US President George W. Bush, and their flight plans factored in such information. The commissioner for the state’s department of health services is encouraging citizens to continue applying insect spray repellant while outdoors. The state has had seventeen West Nile-related deaths this year.

Reports from Friday morning indicated no county residents had been medically treated for reactions. The county’s judge told media he hadn’t expected any medical reactions to the chemicals used. East Dallas residents were reported that morning in ordinary outdoor exercise activities.


Pennsylvania cop on trial for allegedly murdering girlfriend’s estranged husband

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The trial began today for a Pennsylvania state trooper accused of killing his girlfriend’s estranged husband.

Kevin Foley, 43, is accused of cutting the throat of John Yelenic, a dentist who was in the final stages of finalizing a divorce from his wife, Michele. According to prosecutors, Foley “loathed Dr. Yelenic” so much that he asked another fellow trooper to help him commit the alleged murder, which occurred in Yelenic’s Blairsville home.

Deputy Attorney General Anthony Krastek told an Indiana County jury that Foley also prayed Yelenic would die, and spread false rumors that Yelenic molested his adopted son.

“You will see Kevin Foley has the motive, the opportunity and the ability to commit this crime, almost to the exclusion of anybody else,” Krastek said.

Foley’s defense attorney, Jeffrey Monzo, said during opening statements that DNA evidence was not conclusive. Monzo admitted to the jury that Foley did not like Yelenic, but said that does not mean he murdered him.

“Kevin Foley is innocent,” he said.

Prosecutors said they could call as many as 70 witnesses to try and prove Foley wanted Yelenic to die. The trial, at the Indiana County Courthouse, is expected to last about three weeks.

Foley, who is on unpaid suspension from the Pennsylvania State Police, is charged with criminal homicide. The jury has the option of convicting him of first-degree murder, which could put Foley in prison for life without parole, or of a lesser degree charge, like manslaughter.

John Yelenic was found dead in his home on April 13, 2006, one day before he was planning on signing his divorce papers. Prosecutors said Foley killed Yelenic after going to the dentist’s house to confront him over the terms of the divorce. Prosecutors claim Foley slashed Yelenic several times with a knife and pushed his head through a small window, causing a further gash on his neck. Yelenic bled to death.

Foley had been living with Michele Yelenic for two years at the time of the alleged homicide. Krastek said Michele also helped perpetuate rumors that Dr. Yelenic molested their son. John and Michele Yelenic had been separated in 2002. Michele Yelenic stood to collect Dr. Yelenic’s estate and a $1 million life insurance policy, and could lose about $2,500 a month in support if the divorce was finalized, a Pennsylvania grand jury previously determined.

Michele Yelenic is expected to testify that Foley was home with her when the alleged murder occurred. Krastek told the jury DNA under Yelenic’s fingerprints will ultimately link him to the murder, as will bloody shoe prints found at the crime scene that match athletic shoes Foley is known to wear.

Monzo also said authorities have failed to investigate several other suspects, including Yelenic’s neighbor. Monzo said Yelenic was on very friendly terms with the neighbor’s wife, which could have given him a motive to commit the murder.

Prior to the trial, Foley’s defense attorneys unsuccessfully sought a change of venue because an overwhelming majority of the jury pool was familiar with the allegations. The change was denied when jurors insisted they had not formed an opinion about the charges.


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Isaiah Gates

If you are going to detail the inside of the cars, a vacuum cleaner is needed. A nice cleaner for any dashboard will clean and leave a shine. A hose is the most important supply you will need. Try locating one these brushes like they use in the self-serve car washes. That will help get the detergent spread around and loosen the stubborn dirt. Make sure to do a good career, people do not mind paying for your services if they\’re just happy with your succeed. This could bring in extra spending money in one nice afternoon.


Those UK people who ? re physically challenged and have almost no money in hands, they are able to also think of running a car. They can search sales for car finance for people on benefit as these loans are produced especially for them in order to make the financing more easy to get to.


The finance is given to these UK those people who are presently getting a fixed benefit amount in the Department of Social Protection. The department regularly provides a fixed monthly amount of money to them for their own personal use. It is this benefit amount that the borrowers can use for car financing as well. Since the applicants obtain regular benefit amount, they are able to repay the loan installment over the due date.

Car finance for individuals on benefit allows them to borrow any amount of loan when considering repaying the car financial loan installments. Clearly, the monthly out go with such installments will be smaller due to limited earnings of the physically challenged people. This means that the loan amount are going to be approved for longer time period.

If the applicants can provide some property for collateral, then they can borrow greater amount of loan for car at lower ir. Such a loan will be less burdensome as well. However, they can also use an unsecured personal loan if they cannot have such a asset for collateral. Such a loan will be for shorter period several years and interest rate are going to be little higher. Bad credit history, if any, is also well accommodated by way of the lenders in giving your loan.

We advise you to first compare as much offers of car finance for people on benefit as you can. The Internet is good method to obtain affordable loans as the eye rate is competitive. So, compare these car-financing offers and settle for the one that suits to your repayment capability. Surely, you can own your car in a smoother manner these loans.

A car title loan can perform quick cash to help when unexpected expenses suddenly appear. One situation where such an emergencies can occur is following your sudden death of someone you love. An event like this isn\’t only personally traumatic but is usually devastating for a family\’s funds.

When someone you love or spouse passes with, the last thing you ought to think of is how to fund the funeral. Yet if the deceased had no life insurance or savings, it can be problematic for you to create a large sum involving cash quickly enough to hide the many funeral bills. It will be even harder to pull this off if you happen to already have bad credit and can\’t get a low-interest loan from standard lenders.

I enjoy writing about local businesses and my own thoughts about their service to the community. I hope the info I write helps most people make good choices in the industries they opt for.

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Cash For Cars Austin TX


Cash For Cars Austin TX

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BDSM as business: An interview with the owners of a dungeon

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Torture proliferates American headlines today: whether its use is defensible in certain contexts and the morality of the practice. Wikinews reporter David Shankbone was curious about torture in American popular culture. This is the first of a two part series examining the BDSM business. This interview focuses on the owners of a dungeon, what they charge, what the clients are like and how they handle their needs.

When Shankbone rings the bell of “HC & Co.” he has no idea what to expect. A BDSM (Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism) dungeon is a legal enterprise in New York City, and there are more than a few businesses that cater to a clientèle that wants an enema, a spanking, to be dressed like a baby or to wear women’s clothing. Shankbone went to find out what these businesses are like, who runs them, who works at them, and who frequents them. He spent three hours one night in what is considered one of the more upscale establishments in Manhattan, Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber, where according to The Village Voice, “you can take your girlfriend or wife, and have them treated with respect—unless they hope to be treated with something other than respect!”

When Shankbone arrived on the sixth floor of a midtown office building, the elevator opened up to a hallway where a smiling Rebecca greeted him. She is a beautiful forty-ish Long Island mother of three who is dressed in smart black pants and a black turtleneck that reaches up to her blond-streaked hair pulled back in a bushy ponytail. “Are you David Shankbone? We’re so excited to meet you!” she says, and leads him down the hall to a living room area with a sofa, a television playing an action-thriller, an open supply cabinet stocked with enema kits, and her husband Bill sitting at the computer trying to find where the re-release of Blade Runner is playing at the local theater. “I don’t like that movie,” says Rebecca.

Perhaps the most poignant moment came at the end of the night when Shankbone was waiting to be escorted out (to avoid running into a client). Rebecca came into the room and sat on the sofa. “You know, a lot of people out there would like to see me burn for what I do,” she says. Rebecca is a woman who has faced challenges in her life, and dealt with them the best she could given her circumstances. She sees herself as providing a service to people who have needs, no matter how debauched the outside world deems them. They sat talking mutual challenges they have faced and politics (she’s supporting Hillary); Rebecca reflected upon the irony that many of the people who supported the torture at Abu Ghraib would want her closed down. It was in this conversation that Shankbone saw that humanity can be found anywhere, including in places that appear on the surface to cater to the inhumanity some people in our society feel towards themselves, or others.

“The best way to describe it,” says Bill, “is if you had a kink, and you had a wife and you had two kids, and every time you had sex with your wife it just didn’t hit the nail on the head. What would you do about it? How would you handle it? You might go through life feeling unfulfilled. Or you might say, ‘No, my kink is I really need to dress in women’s clothing.’ We’re that outlet. We’re not the evil devil out here, plucking people off the street, keeping them chained up for days on end.”

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with Bill & Rebecca, owners of Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber, a BDSM dungeon.


Calls for corporate tax reform in Australia goes unheeded

Friday, May 12, 2006

Peter Costello’s budget announcement has led to rejoicing for small businesses, but the lack of joy for those pushing for radical corporate taxation reform has led to many businesses asking “what about us?”

Personal taxation and small business have been the big winners after this year’s federal budget. Although dampened by the twin economic threats of rising interest rates and petrol prices, there should be a reasonable amount of real income savings for both low and high income earners, with those receiving Medicare, or a superannuation benefit, privy to an even lower level of taxation (0% for those on super benefits).

Small business also has benefited from the Howard government’s 11th annual budget, with them receiving a higher level of reducing depreciation, leading to a higher level of deductions in the years following the uptake of new technology or other capital. They are also privy to a AU$435 million dollar tax cut to compensate for their changing accounting requirements under the government’s new AIFRS reporting standards, as well as increasing the uptake of both the small business tax relief scheme and CGT (Capital Gains tax) Concessions.

The budget was not a complete loss for big business however, as superannuation laws have been tweaked to streamline contribution and payment rules previously impeding those with multitudes of staff.

But this is not enough, says Big 4 accounting firm Ernst & Young. In their newly published paper “Taxation of Investment in Australia: the need for ongoing reform”. In it they lead the charge for a greater streamlining and organization of the corporate tax system in Australia, submitting that it will lead to reductions in “disincentives to work save and invest in Australia [as well as improving] the international competitiveness of Australian businesses.” This follows from a recent report brought out by Mr. Costello himself about the need for tax reform in Australia.

A budget night Mr. Costello was notably coy about any future reform of corporate tax in Australia. He alluded to the report by his ministers but kept from outlining the government’s plan precisely.


Odense SC win Danish squash championship

Friday, May 2, 2008

Odense Squash Club (OSC) won the Danish team club championship in squash. During the weekend of April 26 and 27, the final four of the Danish championship were played at OSC home stadium, Squash Center Danmark, due to OSC winning the league system this season. OSC beat Herlev/Hjorten Squash (Herlev) 6-1 in the final.

OSC was the favourite to take the gold this weekend, as they had already won league play with a comfortable lead over København Squash Klub (KSK), and therefore had home court and could pick their opponent in the first semi-final. OSC chose to play Åbyhøj Squash Klub (ÅSK) in the first semi final, and beat them with ease 6-1, only loosing the women’s second to Ditte Nielsen (ÅSK).

During the other semi, the favoured professionals from KSK, ran in to serious problems, as injured star player Alex Stait was not able to play for KSK giving the young Herlev team a chance in this semi. After 5 matches and down by two matches, Mikkel Kragholm (Herlev) and Thomas Pilak (Herlev) became double match winners when they each beat their opponents by 3-0 and 3-1, winning the match 4-3 for Herlev.

The final was, however, dominated by OSC, and Herlev wasn’t ever in the match. Only Danish individual champion Morten Sørensen was able to win for Herlev. Herlev lost the rest of the matches. OSC’s players proved to be to strong for last years bronze winners from Herlev. OSC won the Danish championship 6-1 in the final at Squash Center Danmark in Odense.


Plastic Surgery Process Liposuction}

Plastic surgery process Liposuction


harshikaLiposuction delhi

is processes which can aid body sculpt by removing surplus fat from particular parts of the patient body such as the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, chin, upper arms, cheeks and neck to give a more natural look.

There are numerous methods some are the tumescent technique, ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), and the super-wet method by surgeon give a more accepted results with quicker recovery times.


Whereas exercise and dieting might be helpful for losing surplus fat from the body, several fat place are very defiant and might not respond to efforts at weight loss. Through the help of liposuction methods might be an alternative in these conditions. Liposuction is not a shortcut option to work out and diet.

It is a form of body curving and not a weight loss technique. The amount of fat get distant removed differ by physician, technique, and patient, but the usual amount is normally 3 to 5 liters.

The person is good for the treatments by the liposuction are normal weighted persons with rigid, stretchy skin with surplus fat in certain parts.

However age is not a most important concern, older patients might have reduced skin softness and might not attain the similar results as a younger patient. In liposuction localized deposits of fat are aloof to recontour one or more parts of the body. By doing the tiny cut, a narrow cannula is put in and used to suction out the fat layer under the skin. The cannula is inserted and pulled inside the fat layer, breach up the fat cells and suctioning them out. The suction stroke is given by a large syringe or vacuum pump, depending on the surgeon’s preferred and part of surgery.

After plastic surgery Delhi

, various fluids drainage from the incisions is probable to stop and control swelling and to make your skin pull back and improved fit its new curves; patient is fitted with a cozy elastic item of clothing to wear over the cured part for a few weeks. Few side comprises ache, swelling, burning, bleeding and short-term deadness. Pain could be lessening with the help of some prescribed drugs.

Types of Liposuction

There are numerous kinds of liposuction process nowadays available, all of which use a wand-like tool known as cannula to get rid of surplus fat. Tumescent liposuction engages the insertion of a large amount of painkiller into the region that is being cured; the wet and super-wet methods are difference of this sort of liposuction.

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George Bush: Rescue plan will get through

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

George W. Bush vowed to get the USD 700 billion economic rescue plan through congress in a statement to the media made today.

“Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted on a financial rescue plan that had been negotiated by Congressional leaders of both parties and my administration,” Bush reminded the audience. “Unfortunately, the measure was defeated by a narrow margin. I’m disappointed by the outcome, but I assure our citizens and citizens around the world that this is not the end of the legislative process.”

“Producing legislation is complicated, and it can be contentious. It matters little what a path a bill takes to become law,” he continued. “We’re at a critical moment for our economy, and we need legislation that decisively address the troubled assets now clogging the financial system, helps lenders resume the flow of credit to consumers and businesses, and allows the American economy to get moving again.”

Market Data

23:45, 30 September, 2008 (UTC)
  • DJIA
  • 10.850,70 485,21 4,68%
  • Nasdaq
  • 2.082,33 98,60 4.97%
  • S&P 500
  • 1.166,36 59,97 5,42%
  • S&P TSX
  • 11.752,90 467,83 4.15%
  • IPC
  • 24.888,90 933,23 3,90%
  • Merval
  • 1.598,170 52.720 3,41%
  • Bovespa
  • 49.541,27 3,513.21 7,63%
  • FTSE 100
  • 4.902,45 83,68 1,74%
  • DAX
  • 5.831,02 23,94 0,41%
  • CAC 40
  • 4.032,10 78,62 1,99%
  • SMI
  • 6.654,89 154,76 2,38%
  • AEX
  • 331,45 7,90 2,44%
  • BEL20
  • 2.672,20 82,73 3,19%
  • MIBTel
  • 19.512,00 110,00 0,56%
  • IBEX 35
  • 10.987,50 41,80 0,38%
  • All Ordinaries
  • 4.631,30 207,90 4,30%
  • Nikkei
  • 11.259,90 483,75 4,12%
  • Hang Seng
  • 18.016,20 135,53 0,76%
  • SSE Composite
  • 2.293,78 3,72 0,16%

    “I recognize this is a difficult vote for members of Congress. Many of them don’t like the fact that our economy has reached this point, and I understand that. But the reality is that we are in an urgent situation, and the consequences will grow worse each day if we do not act. The dramatic drop in the stock market that we saw yesterday will have a direct impact on the retirement accounts, pension funds, and personal savings of millions of our citizens. And if our nation continues on this course, the economic damage will be painful and lasting.”World and US markets today are up after severe declines yesterday. Most have recovered 30% of their previous losses, meaning that the potential government expenditure was similar to the market losses.

    Bush then said that he knows “many Americans are especially worried about the cost of the legislation.” He then attempted to justify the cost. “The bill the House considered yesterday commits up to 700 billion taxpayer dollars to purchase troubled assets from banks and other financial institutions. That, no question, is a large amount of money. We’re also dealing with a large problem. But to put that in perspective, the drop in the stock market yesterday represented more than a trillion dollars in losses.”

    If passed, the bailout plan would have allowed for the United States government to purchase devalued mortgage backed securities, resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis, from troubled financial institutions. The US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the plan could cost up to $700 billion.



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